HIXEN EXCAVATORS with Euro 5 engine , rippa mini excavator for sales

 Stop the everun excavator machine for inspection immediately, and eliminate any fault found. If the everun excavator cause cannot be found at the moment, the excavator must not work with a disease without treatment. During normal work, pay attention to check the working condition of the cooling system. For water-cooled excavators, check and add cooling water before daily work; For air-cooled excavators, the dust on the air cooling system should also be cleaned regularly to ensure that the cooling air duct is smooth.
 Tire maintenance
1. Regularly check the micro excavator tire pressure to maintain the correct pressure to extend tire life.
2. Pay attention to the micro excavator wear and tear of the tires during use and replace severely worn tires in a timely manner.
3. Do not drive on hard ground to avoid rapid mini excavators tire wear.
4、 Electrical system maintenance
1. Regularly check the mini excavator euro5 battery liquid level,mini excavators add distilled water in a timely manner, and clean the battery terminals.
2. Regularly carter excavator inspect electrical circuits for damage or aging, and replace them in a timely manner.
3. Regularly check whether the HIXEN EXCAVATORS is working properly and repair or replace it in a timely manner.
5、 Chassis and transmission system maintenance
1. Regularly replace the rippa mini excavator transmission oil and oil seal.
2. Regularly inspect and adjust the chain and pulley tension of the transmission system.
3. Regularly inspect the chassis, steering, and braking systems, clean them in a timely manner, and maintain normal operation. www.haiqinmachinery.com